姓 名 |
魏巍 |
职 称 |
教授 |
R博导 R硕导 |
公司及专业 |
12BET / 车辆工程 |
办公地址 |
12BET中关村校区9号教学楼405 |
邮编 |
100081 |
办公电话 |
68915990 |
邮 件 |
weiweibit@bit.edu.cn |
研究方向 |
主要从事多域智能车辆、火星无人装备、极地特种装备、流体传动与控制等领域的教学和研究工作。 先后主讲国家级一流课程《装甲车辆设计》及《流体传动基础》、《流体机械学》、《虚拟样机技术》、《坦克虚拟驾驶技术》、《安全概论》、《陆空智能车辆》、《装甲车辆工程专业导论》等课程,并开展以下方向的研究: l 多域智能车辆集成设计技术 l 高通过性多域机动平台动力学与控制 l 复杂多相流动分析与观测技术 l 叶栅系统三维流动设计及应用 欢迎对以上及相关领域和方向感兴趣的博士生、硕士生、职工和本科生大创团队加入。
代表性论著及研究项目 |
l 项昌乐,闫清东,魏巍 著.《液力元件三维流动设计优化》[M].12BET出版社,2017.(专著) l 魏巍,闫清东,刘城 著.《装甲车辆液力缓速制动技术》[M].12BET出版社,2020.(专著) l 魏巍,闫清东 主编.《装甲车辆设计》[M].12BET出版社,2022.(北京高校优质本科教材) l 魏巍,闫清东 主编.《液力元件设计》[M].12BET出版社,2015.(兵工高校优秀教材一等奖) l 刘辉,郑怀宇,魏巍,韩立金 译.车辆建模技术[M].北京:12BET出版社,2020.(译著) l 魏巍,郑长松,孟庆凯 译.《轮式车辆行驶原理》[M].12BET出版社(即将出版) l 魏巍,王义春,孟庆凯 译.《轮式车辆设计(总体卷)》[M].北京:12BET出版社(即将出版) 代表性论文: [1] Wei Wei*,Yongjie Shu, Jianfeng Liu et al. Research on a hierarchical feature-based contour extraction method for spatial complex truss-like structures in aerial images[J].Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2023. [2] Wei Wei*, Tao Tianlang, Si Lurong, et al. Design and optimization of bionic Nautilus volute for a hydrodynamic retarder[J]. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2023. [3] Xiuqi Chen, Wei Wei*, Qingdong Yan et al. Time-delay deep Q-network based retarder torque tracking control framework for heavy-duty vehicles[J].IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2022. [4] Zhifang Ke, Wei Wei*, Cheng Liu, Qingdong Yan, Houston Wood. Experimental measurement of the flow-induced pulsation in a hydrodynamic turbomachinery stator and its pressure fluctuation characteristics[J]. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal,2021. [5] Yuanyuan An, Wei Wei*, Shuangshuang Li, Cheng Liu, Xianglu Meng & Qingdong Yan. Research on the mechanism of drag reduction and efficiency improvement of hydraulic retarders with bionic non-smooth surface spoilers, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics[J].2020. [6] Liu Cheng, Wei Wei*, Yan Qingdong, Weaver Brian K., Wood Houston G. On the application of passive flow control for cavitation suppression in torque converter stator[J].International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 2019. [7] Liang Sun, Wei Wei*, Qingdong Yan, Hongchao Jian. Artificial neural network-based performance modeling of a diesel engine within the whole operating region considering dynamic conditions[J].Proceedings of the IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering,2019. [8] Hongbin Mu, Wei Wei*, Lingxing Kong, Yulong Zhao, Qingdong Yan. Braking characteristics integrating open working chamber model and hydraulic control system model in a hydrodynamic retarder[J]. Proc IMechE Part C:Journal of Mechanical Enginnering Science,2019. [9] Cheng Liu, Wei Wei*, Qingdong Yan, Neal R Morgan. Design of Experiments to Investigate Blade Geometric Effects on Hydrodynamic Performance of Torque Converters[J]. Proceedings of the IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering,2019. [10] Wei Wei, Hongchao Jian*, Qingdong Yan, Xiaomei Luo, Xuhong Wu.Nonlinear modeling and stability analysis of a pilot-operated valve-control hydraulic system[J].Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2018. [11] Jian Hongchao, WEI Wei*, Li Hongcai, Yan Qingdong. Optimization of a pressure control valve for high power automatic transmission considering stability[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018. [12] Liu Boshen, Yan Qingdong, WEI Wei*. Numerical investigations of the flow induced oscillation of a torque converter[J]. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2018. [13] Kong Lingxing, WEI Wei*, Yan Qingdong. Application of flow field decomposition and reconstrction in studying and modeling the characteristics of a cartridge valve[J]. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2018. [14] Mu, Hongbin, Wei, Wei*, Untaroiu, Alexandrina, Yan, Qingdong. Study on reconstruction and prediction methods of pressure field on blade surfaces for oil-filling process in a hydrodynamic retarder[J].International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 2016. [15] 魏巍*,刘堂柱,闫清东,安媛媛.液力缓速器虹膜空损抑制方法研究[J].机械工程学报,2020. [16] 魏巍*,李一非,安媛媛,闫清东.叶栅参数对液力缓速器起效特性影响规律研究[J].机械工程学报,2022. [17] 魏巍,王若琳,徐彬*,范康迪,赵之然. 陆空平台旋翼叶型参数气动性能多目标优化研究[J].12BET学报,2022 [18] 魏巍,范康迪,王若琳,赵默雷,赵之然,王剑峰. 变构型陆空平台动态起降轨迹规划研究[J].12BET学报, 2022. 代表性专利: l 陆空车,ZL202111135195.7, l 一种多轮多驱可解锁铰接车辆,ZL201910745697.8. l 一种射流推进式垂直起降无人机,ZL201910802939.2. l 一种带反馈的液力缓速器充液率电液比例控制系统,ZL201611055493.4. l 快速起效且制动力矩精确控制的液力缓速器液压控制系统,ZL201610857105.8. 代表性研究项目: l 某无人机系统研制,横向,主持 l 某桨优化设计,国防科技创新特区项目,主持 l 某液力缓速器技术研究,纵向(重点项目),主持 l 某传动元件设计技术研究,基础科研(重大项目),主持 l 子母式室内外空地两用灾情获取机器人装备研发项目,国家重点研发计划重点专项,参与 l 基于两相流动的车用液力缓速器动态性能预测及控制技术研究,国家自然科学基金项目,主持
成果及荣誉 |
获国防科技进步奖一等奖、二等奖3项,中国机械工业科学技术奖一等奖1项,中国兵器工业集团科技进步奖一等奖2项、二等奖2项;获评北京高校优秀本科毕业设计指导教师、全国工程硕士实习实践成果获得者指导教师、12BET迪文优秀教师奖一等奖、北京市高等学校青年教学名师奖等奖励。 |
社会职务 |
l 中国机械工程学会流体传动与控制分会,委员 l 中国机械工程学会流体传动与控制分会,液力专业秘书长 l 中国液气密工业协会专家委员会,委员 l 学术期刊《液压气动与密封》编委、《液压与气动》和《起重运输机械》青年编委 |